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It’s absolutely true – local newspapers continue to be one of the most trusted channels for delivering news and content. As such, it’s vital that your organisation is in touch with local media – here’s how to make an impact.

Say hi! You’ll find nowadays local newspapers usually operate with a small-ish team, which means it’s easier for you to meet key people and build relationships. Make an effort to meet with local journalists to talk about what you’re trying to achieve and how best you can work together.

Know your stuff. When is the print deadline for new stories? What sort of word count are they looking for? Find out and try to meet the needs of the newspaper, to make it as easy as possible for journalists to print your news.

Is it newsworthy? Local papers want exactly that – local stories of interest. When writing your press release, think about how you can make it interesting and local – make the press release as accessible as possible, making sure it makes sense to those that may not understand your industry.

For more information about our latest media vacancies, or to find out how FS1 can support your business, contact us on 01908 787 560 or