Much of the UK has been used to working from home now for the last year following the Covid-19 outbreak. Whilst we’re all hoping for a return to some sort of normality soon (please!) many more people will be working at home for some of their time at least – which can prove challenging for HR departments. Here’s what to look out for and how to overcome challenges.
Connecting with people working different shift patterns. As if this wasn’t challenging enough when we were all in the work environment! Working remotely can make it more challenging to connect with workers on different shift patterns. A good rostering software package can solve a lot of these problems and even help with planning events and meetings for teams and workers.
Keeping an eye on wellbeing. Being part of a busy working environment makes it easier to spot when something isn’t right – working remotely makes it more difficult for HR to monitor wellbeing but also for workers who want to reach out to do so. Make sure organisation wellbeing procedures are available in a shared space for everyone and regular reminders about procedures could be beneficial.
Team building. The natural team working we’ve all been used to isn’t the same, and team building can be difficult for those starting a new role in your organisation during the pandemic. HR should consider initiatives for team building and bonding, asking for suggestions and feedback.
For more information about our latest HR opportunities, or to find out how FS1 can support your business, contact us on 01908 787 560 or [email protected].