The logo of your organisation is your introduction to potential new customers. Getting it right therefore is incredibly important! Here’s our top tips for making sure your logo stands out from the crowd.
Know your brand. Ask yourself, “who are we?”, “what is our purpose?”, and “what makes us different?”. Knowing your brand inside and out before you begin is key to creating a visual identity that aligns with your purpose and values.
Take a look at the competition. Changes are by researching logos of similar organisations you’ll see patterns in design – and depending on your purpose, you may want to follow the crowd – or not!
Think about heritage and nostalgia. There have been so many stories of brands losing favour with audiences for changing a much loved logo! It’s important to consider your existing audience and how they relate to your brand and your history before you start making drastic changes.
It’s not all about the logo. Yes, whilst this blog is specifically about logo design, the logo is only one piece in the puzzle! Think carefully about how the logo will fit in with your wider strategy for communication.
For more information about our latest design vacancies, or to find out how FS1 can support your business, contact us on 01908 787 560 or [email protected].