For many event planners and marketers, the usual routine of events hasn’t taken place this year. With the uncertainty of COVID continuing to play a role in our workplaces, it’s clear that opportunities for events and promotions need to find a space online. Here’s our top tips for holding a truly effective online event.
Test the tech! Online video conferencing has become more popular than ever this year, with more people Zoom-savvy than ever before. However, don’t assume you know the tech; test everything out beforehand and be clear about how you will manage the space, including taking questions and giving everyone a chance to contribute.
Get a great guest speaker. Online events can provide a great platform for speakers; the remote nature of online means that securing great speakers is somewhat easier and more people can listen with no limits on seating.
Find routes to interaction. It takes a lot more energy for people to attend an online event, so provide opportunities for interaction; use live polling tools, encourage use of a hashtag, or use break out rooms to create space for attendees to express themselves.
Whilst we hope we’ll all be together again soon, make the most of your online environment for your next event!
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