Is it that time again? With changing tastes and times, it’s almost inevitable that at some point your organisation or client will need a logo refresh. But where to start? How can you give a logo a classy refresh whilst keeping the feel of the brand? Here’s our top tips.
Lose the text. Perhaps the organisation has a recognisable logo from its shape or colour alone? By losing the text you will very quickly be able to streamline the look and feel of the logo.
Change up the font. If your logo really relies on the text, maybe a simple font change is all you need – By choosing a more modern, recognisable font you could do wonders.
Think about your history. Maybe the brand has been around for a while, and maybe it’s time to revisit some of the older logo designs for a bit of nostalgia – a modern twist on an old classic always goes down well!
Consider the colour. Your colour might form a huge part of your brand identity, but if your organisation is going in a different direction a new colour in a recognisable design might just do the trick to refresh your brand.
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