It’s that time of year again and Black Friday is only a month away! This year will be another busy one, so it’s vital you get your marketing plan in place and ready to go with plenty of time to spare. Here’s our checklist for everything you’ll need to remember for creating a top notch marketing campaign for Black Friday.
Make sure your website is ready for the rush! If you’re selling products via your website, make sure your website is properly hosted to avoid any unexpected crashes by large volumes of visitors – otherwise you might accidentally disappoint!
Think about social media. Try to mix up your social presence to stand out from the crowd and get your followers noticing your deals – think about both organic and paid posting and how you might reach your audience.
Don’t forget email! Your email list is an absolute must for Black Friday – make your mailing list feel special by offering exclusive email only deals!
Step away from your usual designs. Make Black Friday a key moment by using new colours, fonts and images to get noticed.
For more information about our latest marketing vacancies, or to find out how FS1 can support your business, contact us on 01908 787 560 or [email protected].