If we know anything, we know that 2022 is going to be yet another year for fantastic digital innovation. The pandemic in some ways has forced us to think more about UX design than ever before – here’s what we expect to see in UX design trends this year.
Logos are about to become animated. Oh yes, after years and years of static logos we expect that more organisations than ever before will be animating their logo. Animating a logo for digital can really grab attention both online and offline.
Unusual design – yes please! We’re so used to looking at screens these days, so design has got to stand out from the crowd. Expect unusual and unique shapes and designs – the use of conventional grids may be coming to an end.
VR office is now! Yes, with COVID still such a part of our lives, tech giants are looking at how we can better collaborate at work digitally with the potential for VR office spaces. Future meetings could all be held in virtual reality! Maybe that’s a step too far this year, but certainly expect to see more virtual office spaces.
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