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Work environments are incredibly varied, but in most cases bring a lot of people together – Which can inevitably bring tensions! If you want to be a good employee and get on well with your colleagues, no matter your working environment, take a look at our office do’s and don’ts!

The “Communal” fridge – Don’t assume the milk left in the fridge by your colleague is for everyone’s use – You could be accused of stealing! If communal milk or butter might make life a bit easier, why not ask colleague to chip in to buying joint fridge must-haves?

Be careful on email. Some emails don’t need to go to everyone in the office, especially if they have busy inboxes already – Only send group emails to those that need to see it!

Think about the kitchen. Don’t leave your dirty washing up left for someone else to sort out, and consider the smell when microwaving your lunch – Small things maybe, but distracting and annoying to your colleagues!

Keep the noise down! Think about the others around you. Listen to music only through your headphones, and be considerate to your colleagues when have conversations around them.

Follow these simple rules and you’ll find office harmony!

For more information about our latest vacancies, or to find out how FS1 can support your business, contact us on 01908 787 560 or [email protected].