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When you’re job seeking, it’s vital you find the right fit. Both in terms of the job role and the company! The are pros and cons to both big and small companies, but what matter is what suits you best. So which will you choose?

Big Companies

Big companies offer great benefits, such as in some cases an extensive salary and package and a strong workplace structure. Additionally, working for a large and well-known organisation brings you the benefit of the (hopefully good!) brand reputation. However, be warned; when working for a big company you might find yourself lost in the crowd, not knowing all of your work colleagues. Equally, with a stronger and more defined structure in place, you may find you have less opportunities to try new things in your role.

Small Companies

Small companies can have more of a family feel to them. You’ll have more opportunities to get to know your work colleagues and will often find your role is more varied and diverse as smaller businesses rely on teamwork. However, in some cases you might find that progression and career development is at a slower space in a smaller organisation.

What’s right for you?

For more information on our latest vacancies, or to find out how FS1 can support your business, contact us on 01908 787 560 or [email protected].