What makes good marketing? You can spend hours thinking and researching for an answer, and there’s countless blogs about how to make your marketing strategy effective (we’ve written a fair few ourselves!). But when it comes down to it, there are 3 fundamentals to good marketing – and here they are.
Rule 1: Make your brand centre stage. Your creative output can be the most powerfully engaging piece of art, but if your brand doesn’t hold centre stage you’ll be forgotten. Make sure your brand is well woven throughout all of your communications to ensure you get the credit – and the customers.
Rule 2: Emotion is key. The best creative speaks to audiences like they are human. They use humour, nostalgia and drama to speak to our emotions, and that’s what makes good creative stick. How well do you know your audience and what makes them tick? Consider your audience carefully and how you can relate to them on a very human level.
Rule 3: And repeat! When you find a winning formula, stick with it. If a piece of creative or messaging works well, simply keep using it. Brands become associated with certain phrases or colours after a certain amount of time, which can have huge benefits to brand recognition.
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