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Remember the good old days when it was just Facebook marketers had to worry about? A lot has changed when it comes to social media marketing, and the newest kid on the block, TikTok, is the next big channel that marketers need to start investing in.

What even is TikTok? TikTok focuses on video content – short videos can be combined and users can scroll through videos to interact with them. Users can add effects and background music. Videos can be liked, shared and commented on.

Engagement on TikTok is well on the way up, and typically users are interacting with the channel for around 45 minutes a day.

TikTok is without a doubt growing as a tool for marketers to reach their target audiences. Whilst the vast majority of TikTok users are younger for now, the popularity of the channel is growing, especially during the lockdown months.

Creating unique content on TikTok is without a doubt the best way to get your brand noticed – Successful TikTok content is authentic, entertaining and useful to your followers.

Best of luck in your new TikTok adventures!

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