When you’ve been offered a brand new job, it’s easy to get excited and gloss over the details. However, it’s vital you take a moment to check exactly what’s on offer, so you don’t regret any decisions later down the line. Here’s what to look out for when signing your new employment contract.
Is the job itself what you applied for? Check the job title and the description is exactly what you thought you were applying for and within your capabilities. If there’s been amendments to the role, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s best to ask. Additionally, check the hours of work are acceptable, and only opt out of the Working Time Directive if asked if that is your choice. Check your location of work is clearly identified and that if you have to travel for your work that the terms of travelling are clear and fair.
Is the money what you’re seeking? Yes, understanding your offered salary is important, but there are a number of other benefits you should check are fair or what you’re seeking. There might be a benefits package on offer, and it’s worth checking your holiday allowance too. Depending on your industry, it’s also worth confirming how the bonus scheme operates.
Whilst a new job is exciting, it’s important to check the details are correct – then celebrate!
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