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Nostalgia is a great emotion to invoke when you want to connect with your audience. We all have fond childhood memories of different brands and organisations, and thinking about how to capture the best of your glory years is a great way to give your brand a boost today. Here’s how.

Get to your core values. When looking at branding and style, starting with your history and ultimately your values as an organisation goes a long way. Start with what inspired you in the first place.

Revisit the best of the past. Consider what made good design great and recapture those design principles to bring the past back to life.

What sort of era encapsulates your brand identity? It may be you don’t need to go to far back in the past to find the design era that really hits home for your organisation. Make sure whatever you do remains true to you.

But be warned! A re-brand and re-design is always a risk – particularly if you’re working with an iconic and well loved brand and logo. Do your research and make sure your work is in tune with your customers.

For more information about our latest marketing and brand vacancies, or to find out how FS1 can support your business, contact us on 01908 787 560 or [email protected].