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In today’s busy market, it’s vital that women returning to work after maternity leave plan their return to work effectively to ensure they have the best possible experience. Here’s how.

First there’s childcare. It can feel overwhelming but make sure you plan and consider childcare well in advance. Ask questions of providers to ensure you make the choice that’s right for you. You can also visit the government website to see if you’re entitled to any support with childcare costs.

Remember how good you are. Yes, you can feel like you’ve forgotten everything about the world of work, but if you did it once, you can do it again. Don’t underestimate your skills!

Think flexible. It’s a good idea to ask potential employers about flexible working – which doesn’t necessarily mean working part time.

Be forgiving. It’s natural that you’ll find it tough in the first few weeks – so be kind to yourself and try to take things one step at a time!

Don’t forget your network. Your family and friends will be there to support you every step of the way – make sure you keep in touch!

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