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Good communication is key in the workplace to ensuring an effective team. Are you doing your bit to ensure you’re a good communicator at work? Take a look at our top tips.

Everybody’s different! People communicate in different ways and benefit from different communication methods. Utilise all channels available to you to communicate in the most effective way with your colleagues, depending on their preferences and the urgency of the situation.

Make your communication worthwhile. Think about what you need to say, be clear in your communication, and try not to beat around the bush too much – small talk is nice, but can disrupt colleagues who might be trying to work towards tight deadlines!

Leave your emotions at home. Regardless of the situation, you must never lose your cool. Stay calm and controlled throughout every conversation with your colleagues and if you feel your emotions slipping, take a break and get some fresh air.

What are your top tips for communicating at work?

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