Calling all aspiring designers! It’s a competitive market out there but for great designers there’s lots of exciting opportunities to pursue – but how can you get ahead when it comes to graphic and creative design? Here’s our top tips!
Get studying! Yes some people become designers without any formal study but this is rare – explore opportunities for further education in creative design and choose what works best for you. Internships are also a great way to kick start your learning.
Explore freelance opportunities NOW – get some practise in with your skills as soon as you can! Offer your services to start ups or small businesses who need a helping hand on a budget. Every opportunity provides new content for your ever growing portfolio!
Get networking! Start getting to know people in your local business community or chosen sector, and get networking! By meeting new people and exploring new organisations you’ll be able to find out about any exciting upcoming job opportunities…
Make your portfolio accessible online. By making sure your portfolio can be found online you’ll be sure to get many more enquiries. Sharing online is easy, quick and eco friendly!
For more information about our latest design and creative vacancies or to find out how FS1 can support your business contact us on 01908 787 560 or [email protected].